
To The New And Improved

Check out the South Dakota Lottery commercial we helped with


We are affliated with Starfleet International the STAR TREK fan Association , and Region 6 (see links below).

Anyone may join us, We have members from all over the western South Dakota, western Nebraska, and yes Australia...

We are always looking for new and exciting members. Be sure to visit our Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/uss.thunderchild?


Greetings Friends and Crew, We will be meeting July 21st at Bret's home for Duck Race Prep. We hope to see you all there... ALL ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!. To Email the U.S.S. THUNDERCHILD

ncc3122@hotmail.com or click comm badge

Just click the button where you want to go. Remember adventure begins with one click!


Star Trek and related items are copyrighted to Paramount Pictures Corporation